Italian Telegraphic Convention


Welcome to the website of the Italian Telegraphic Convention!




The idea of Vito IZ0GNY and Claudio IZ0KRC to create, with the help of A.R.I. Castelli Romani (the Italian Ham Association), a meeting among the fans of telegraphy in all its aspects has been realized for the first time in October 2013 with the conference in Ariccia town.



In January 2014 there was a follow-up with a small display and a "radio activation" in Anzio, during 70° anniversary of the Landing so called "operation Shingle".



In November 2014 there was the Second National Telegraphic Convention, at the National Museum of Communication in Rome, belonging to the Cultural Centre of the Ministry and Economic Development.

In Dicember 2015 there was the Third National Telegrapich Convention organized togheter friends of Group Amateur RAI (Italian Radio and Television) into a Sports Centre RAI in Rome. More info. here.




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Last updated: 25 April 2016.